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Melting Heart
Melting Heart is a great way to open up and relax your upper back (latissimus dorsi), shoulders, and neck. It stretches the middle part of your spine, helping you get a better posture.

You also stimulate your stomach muscles.

Why it's good for you...

How to do:-

Melting Heart
Start off in Tabletop position (on all fours). Keep your knees a little wider than hip-distance apart, then come down onto your elbows.

Keeping your hips in line with your knees, push your arms in front of you, one after the other, until they are stretched out as far as possible.

The Easy Way.

If you feel a tingling sensation or you have a problem stretching your shoulders right out, back out of the pose a little or stretch out one arm at a time.

The Counter Pose.

Flapping Fish is an excellent counterpose that stresses the shoulder blade of your extended arm, releasing any tension. It can help to reduce lower back pain and aid digestion.

To get into Flapping Fish, lower your bent shoulder onto the mat and keep your arm straight. Remember to breathe in a slow, harmonic way.
Slowly push backward until you come back into Tabletop.

Coming out of the pose

The Physio Says.

This pose adds the double effect of opening up your chest and stretching the latissimus muscles of your upper back. It’s a great antidote for desk jockeys.


Stimulates the Bladder, Stomach and Spleen, Heart, and Lung meridians.

More Poses To Try

With Age, Our Bodies Get Less Symmetrical
As we get older our bodies become less symmetrical. Spend more time in poses on areas where you feel stiffer, bringing symmetry back. For instance if your right shoulder feels stiffer than your left, then spend more time with your right shoulder in this position.
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